Wedding vendors are almost on every corner in every city. This is why when you type “Wedding Vendors Near Me” into Google so many result pop-up. You have florist, caterers, and venues everywhere. But, the goal of most brides is finding and hiring the right wedding vendors, agree? So, by now you are asking how do I choose?
Vendors Impact Your End Results, Your Stress, And Finally Your Joy
This is not news and is probably why you’re reading this article. The retailers you choose will impact the enjoyment, stress, and joy of your special day. Therefore, you must have a solid game plan if you are to come out on your honeymoon day sane, refreshed, and ready to go. You need an instruction book. A set of blueprints you can follow to the end desired end result.
There truly is no end to the number of wedding vendors in your backyard, but there are also online solutions. For this reason, you must have a vendor hiring litmus test to ensure you have the right vendor solution, right? The question is how do you design a litmus test checks for the results you desire specifically.
Here Are The Steps To Get The Special Day Of Your Dreams
It is important you understand exactly what you desire to achieve. So, first, outline in detail what your special day looks like in as much detail as possible. Go, right now, set in your favorite chair, position, or place in your home and close your eyes and build the dream. You must see it as if you’re actually there. Can you see the tent, the barn, or the venue? What does it sound like as you set your venue? Do you understand the goal here?
Now stop, get a piece of paper and write out what the venue looks like in your mind’s eye. Then you must do that with each vendor type. You should set back and smell what your caterer’s serving at your reception. What about the flowers, the coordinator, the photography, the decorator, and so on. You’ll need the best event planner book possible. (Go Here)
Developing The Wedding Vendors Litmus Tests
Now you know exactly what you want, right? You have a clear vision of the end result! So, what needs to be included in each vendor’s litmus test.
Now you give your vision notes/statement, give both the overall and the specific vendor task notes, to each specific vendor. Then ask your first question to each vendor. Ask them to interpret what they’ve just read and heard. If your gut says they get it then go on to your second question which simple… In your experience what would you add or take away in your service to me? This will tell you if they feel you and if you can work with them.
Closing The Wedding Vendors Deal
Lastly, ask them for a proposal and tell them you’ll get back to them with a yea, nay or more questions with 48 hours. Under no circumstances do you make a decision now. Making them wait for you puts you in the driver’s seat.
Yes, they’ll tell you they can’t hold your date to see if they can close the deal. Just, say, can you hold my date for 48 hours. If they can’t, then you turn to walk away, if they don’t stop you before you hit the door stop and say this, “I think you may be who I’d like to work with. Can you tell me why one more time why I should say yes to you today? How will you make my day special? If they say yes to the 48 hours this gives you time to decide if they are indeed the one.
Venue Location Example
There are a lot of other details you must not leave out. So, when questioning your vendors be sure you know all the right questions. For example, a lot of venues will only allow you to work with only specific retailers. Obviously, there are deals of profit sharing here or something. You just need to ask, why? Sometimes, it is just a matter for the venue vendor to be familiar with the venue.
Use Your Own Network Of Family, Friends, And Work Associates
Some of our best feedback in life comes from those closest to us. Why? We trust them and value their input. However, use caution here, to get rid of your litmus test. You should keep it in place no matter who referred you to the vendor.
Ask your network who did their event and did the vendor over deliver? Vendors who over deliver are the best to work with for they know your importance. Why do you think Disney World is the cleanest amusement park in the world. Their clientele is royalty. This is how you want each vendor to see you and your special day.
The Internet
Online access to wedding retailers is plentiful, so go ahead type in a search for wedding vendors near me and you’ll understand. You can check out their services, core competencies, and their pricing. You can find reviews of their past customers. Also, the Internet allows you to discover their locations, interior photos, how long they’ve been in business, even their floor plans in some cases.
Once you have taken each vendor through your litmus gauntlet let your gut lead you to the right vendors. If this is done correctly they will indeed be special and know you are special. Don’t be a mean, ugly, or rude to a vendor, just give them your vision and ask if they are special enough to help you accomplish your dream. They’ll tell you, in fact, you will be amazed if you do this with the right attitude.
Please, make sure you do your homework by reading up on vendor core competencies. You should make sure you’re aware of each industries potholes. For example, you should pay close attention to potholes like the venue pothole of required vendors. This will allow you to more efficiently wrap each vendor type around your little finger to get you the special day of your dreams!
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